Take the ACLS Quiz! Total questions 8


1. Which of the following types of tachycardia should not use synchronized cardioversion?



2. What is the dose that is first given in adult tachycardia of Amiodorone if indicated vs first dose given in cardiac arrest?

3. . What are the 2 most common causes on underlying PEA? pg113

4. In cardiac arrest what is the first & second dose of Amiodorone?

5. Most wide complex tachycardias are ventricular in origin

True or False?

6. A wide complex QRS starts at (according to ACLS) ?

7. How many joules should be used during synchronized shock for a patient with unstable atrial flutter or SVT?

8. Which of the following is true about unsynchronized shocks?


9. In an acute conronary syndrome which of the following is one of the earliest participants in thrombus formation?

10. According to the AHA a patient who has an acute ischemic stroke receiving rTpa...the highest that the SBP & DBP can be for eligibility is?

11. You a performing rescue breaths as another provided does compression. The patient is 65 years old and approximately 180 lbs. You know that they are performing chest compressions at the correct depth when the compressions are at least how many inches?

12. Which of the following statements is a correct statement?

13. What is at the center of decision making pathway in management of ischemic chest discomfort?

14. Which of the following would be an exclusion criteria for rtPa therapy for a stroke?


Disclaimer: This quiz and all quizzes and or blogs on this site do not serve or substitute for professional medical advice. Contact your primary care provider if you have questions about your health. This site is intended for medical professionals only (and/or studying to be). Information on this MME site does not substitute for your hospital or other place of employment policies. If you have any questions, MME recommends contacting your employer for clarification on their policies and procedures. We do not respond to ANY questions regarding ANY particular hospitals’ procedures. Hospitals may vary on rules and regulations, policies and procedures.

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