1. Which patient can take prednisone (for bronchitis) with the least risk for complications (in relation to their comorbidity, as listed below)?

2. One of the recommendations and criteria for antibiotic prophylaxis is of Lyme disease after a tick bite is that:

3. A patient who has asthma is diagnosed with bronchospasms. Which medication is most likely to cause this?

4. A patient is placed on Flagyl because they have C-diff. You are educating the patient about precautions when taking this medication. Which of the following is a correct statement?

5. From the fluoroquionolones listed below, which one carries the highest risk for tendon rupture?

6. A patient has developed tissue necrosis near their IV site. Which IV medication MOST likely caused this?

7. A patient complains of seeing a yellow halo around lights. Which medication toxicity can cause this?

8. What is a potential side effect of lisinopril?

9. A patient is on long term steroids. You explain to them that all of the following are potential side effects except:

10. A patient is taking a MAOI. The patient asks about adding an SSRI to their regimen. You respond:

11. A patient is getting IV Vancomycin. They suddenly turn red on their upper torso. They deny any shortness of breath, wheezing, tongue swelling, or chest pain. They've had Vancomycin several times before w/o any issues. What is MOST likely happening?

12. DVT prophylaxisis is extremely important. Based on just the information below, which patient should NOT be started on lovenox?

13. A patient was given a medication. They develop a headache. Which medication MOST LIKELY caused the headache?

14. There is a risk of developing serotonin syndrome if a MAOI antidepressant is combined with a SSRI. What is the minimum amount of time that a patient should wait after stopping a MAOI before starting a SSRI antidepressant?

15. A patient has just started on warfarin for a recent deep vein thrombosis. What is the therapeutic range for INR for this patient?

16. A patient has metabolic encephalopathy and is prescribed lactulose to lower ammonia levels. What is MOST likely to happen?

17. A patient had contrast with CT scan. How long should metformin be held after the contrast?

18. A patient is on warfarin. Their INR is 10. No active bleeding. What would be the MOST likely intervention?

19. A 45 year old male with alcoholism is started on Disulfiram (Antabuse). Which of the following is an accurate teaching point?

20. Oxytocin does what?

21. A patient is on lithium and has a lithium level drawn. The lab returns and which of the following would indicate that this individual is therapeutic?

22. A patient has just been prescribed lithium. What indicates that they have a correct understanding about this medication?


23. A patient comes in for chest pain. Which medication would contraindicate the use of a nitroglycerin tab?

24. A patient is telling you that they once took an antibiotic that caused them to have C-diff. They can't remember which antibiotic though. In their med history, you see these antibiotics below. Which of these antibiotics is most likely to cause C-diff?

25. Sulfa drugs can cause what to the fetus during pregnancy?

26. A patient has strep. After being prescribed an antibiotic you tell them to throw out their toothbrush when?

27. A patient is taking Doxycycline. What statement shows they have a correct understanding about the medication?

28. A patient is taking the antibiotic cefdinir. They are also on iron. What is a potential side effect when these 2 medications are combined?