How Often Should You Take a Study Break? And 15 Study Break Ideas



How Often Should You Take A Study Break? And 15 Study Break Ideas

“For the utmost productivity you can squeeze out of yourself, researchers say you should work for 52 minutes at a time and take 17-minute breaks in between.” –Rachel Gillett

There is this concept about learning that has stuck in my mind for years. I remember hearing it in college and it just clicked with me. The concept: Education and understanding in life is a process of constantly distancing and engaging oneself. We have often heard artists say that they need to take a break to do something or go somewhere. They often explain the need to search for inspiration for future projects. This is also something that most people have experienced at different times in life. Have you ever stepped away from something and then returned to it at a later point in your life just to find you understand it better? Distance (breaks) often create a fresh new perspective.


Breaks whether long or short can give the brain and should the time to rest, refocus, and reenergize. Breaks are especially important when studying. Studying in nursing school is just a fact of life. It is a necessary “evil” (sarcasm here) that students understand the value in doing. But how often should you take breaks?

There is a rule of 52 and 17 that helps people be the most productive. The rule implies that 52 minutes of focused work then 17 minutes of break and repeating this cycle. This method helps to increase productivity. During these breaks it might be a good idea to actually set a timer. One of the reasons people often don’t take breaks is because they fear they will get distracted. However, just like any habit, training your mind to stop and restart is a learned skill. The body will begin to recognize when it is time to work and when it is time to break.


15 Activity Ideas for Breaks In Between Studying:

Ideas that You Can Do In Less Than 17 Minutes. Don’t Forget To Set Your Timer

  1. Vacuum an area in your house
  2. Stretch
  3. Get on treadmill
  4. Clean out purse
  5. Clean out a desk drawer
  6. Pull out your planner and plan the next day
  7. Go outside and walk
  8. Call a friend (let friend know only have 17 minutes)
  9. Watch a funny Youtube video (under 17 minutes)
  10. Turn on music and dance for 17 minutes
  11. Do dishes
  12. Grab a healthy snack
  13. Organize you backpack
  14. Set out your clothes for the next day
  15. Clean your desk space, work area



  1. Steroid Cream
  2. Sitz Bath
  3. Cluster Headache
  4. Pronator Drift
  5. End Stage Renal Disease Diet
  6. Lochia Rubra
  7. Beefy Red Tongue
  8. Crutches
  9. Medication & Juice
  10. Teeth Clenching
  11. HELLP Syndrome
  12. Baby’s First Stool
DISCLAIMER: The information posted is not intended to be medical advice. This is for educational purposes only. This information is intended for medical professionals & students. Check with your primary care provider if you have any questions regarding your health. This is not intended to guide in medical decisions or treatment in any way. As always, medical professionals should call the on call provider if any clarifications are needed. This is not intended to guide or direct medical decisions, treatment choices, and or interventions. State and hospital protocols should always be followed accordingly. Med Made Ez (MME) disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information.

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